Plan miasta Zubrowka

Zubrowka - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Fridge Friday

When we went on vacation this year, we made it a goal to pick up a few bottles of various liquors/liquers native to the places we visited. In Poland, we knew we wanted vodka, but what kind? Along our travels we visited several ... I was asking about Zubrowka, which I thought might be a brand of vodka, but upon education, found out it was a type. They told me it was "herbally" and that I should drink it with applesauce. Applesauce? Something must be lost in translation. ...
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Best Western Hotel Zubrowka , Bialowieza Polsko

Best Western Hotel Zubrowka , Bialowieza Polsko - Hotel s 73 komfortně zařízenými pokoji je klasifikován jako...
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The Mercury Fountain: Polish Communion

Żubrówka,Tatrazańska, Jarzębiak. Pierced by the Tartar arrows of the summer sun, I tumble naked into steaming lakes, The earth sweats like an Arabian thoroughbred, This is no land for the rational,the sane, It belongs to the laughing rascals ... Of his estate, so he could shoots them in mid-air, A crack shot who seldom missed. They were the finest men ever, Jan Sobieski, born in a thunderstorm, Caparisoned in furs and silks, Silver half-moon heels on his Turkish boots, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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